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Computer Networks And Internets With Internet Applications (Hardcover)

by Douglas E. Comer

Total: TK. 5,090

Computer Networks And Internets With Internet Applications

4th Edition, 2003

Computer Networks And Internets With Internet Applications (Hardcover)

TK. 5,090

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

Book Length


768 Pages



4th Edition


Pearson (India)




কমিয়ে দেখুন

অ্যাপে বই অর্ডারে অতিরিক্ত ৪% ছাড়! (BIGDEALS কোড ব্যবহারে) চলবে ৯ - ১১ জুন।


বই হাতে পেয়ে মূল্য পরিশোধের সুযোগ


৭ দিনের মধ্যে পরিবর্তনের সুযোগ

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Product Specification & Summary

For one-semester, undergraduate/graduate introductory computer networking courses in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, CIS, MIS, and Business Departments. Written by a best-selling author and leading computer networking authority, this text builds a comprehensive picture of the technologies behind Internet applications. Ideal for those with little or no background in the subject, the book answers the basic question “how do computer networks and Internets operate?” in the broadest sense and includes an early optional introduction to network programming and applications. The text provides a comprehensive, self-contained tour through all of networking from the lowest levels of data transmission and wiring to the highest levels of application software, explaining how underlying technologies provide services and how Internet applications use those services. At each level, it shows how the facilities and services provided by lower levels are used and extended in the next level. For instructors who want to emphasize Internet technologies and applications, the book provides substantial sections on Internetworking and Network Applications that can serve as a focus for a course. An accompanying multimedia CD-ROM and Website provide opportunities for a variety of hands-on experiences.
Title Computer Networks And Internets With Internet Applications
ISBN 9780131433519
Edition 4th Edition, 2003
Number of Pages 768
Country India
Language English

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Computer Networks And Internets With Internet Applications