ZZ Plant Green With 7 inch plastic pot image

ZZ Plant Green With 7 inch plastic pot - 189

Brand: Brikkho Haat

Category: Indoor Plant & Tub

TK. 627 TK. 602 You Save TK. 25 (4%)


  • Size: 7 Inch
  • Product Type: Natural Tree and Tub
  • Material: Plastic

Product Summary & Specification


The ZZ plant, or Zamioculcas zamifolia, is an easy-care houseplant that can thrive in low light and infrequent watering. It’s a great choice for busy people since it doesn’t require a lot of maintenance. Here are some tips for taking care of your ZZ plant:1. Light: The ZZ plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight but can survive in low light conditions like offices and bathrooms. Avoid direct sun, which can scorch the leaves.2. Watering: Water your ZZ plant when the top inch of soil has dried out completely. Avoid over-watering, as this can cause root rot or other problems for your plant.3. Fertilizer: Feed your ZZ plant with a liquid fertilizer every month during its growing season (spring to fall). Use half the recommended strength on the package to avoid burning the roots.4. Soil: It’s best to use well-draining potting mix for your ZZ Plant as it does not tolerate wet soil conditions very well. A mixture of equal parts peat moss, compost and coarse sand works well for this type of houseplant!

Title: ZZ Plant Green With 7 inch plastic pot
Brand: Brikkho Haat
Product Type Natural Tree and Tub
Material Plastic
Size 7 Inch
Product Code 189

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ZZ Plant Green With 7 inch plastic pot - 189

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